Strong and Constant

Strong and Constant
You will receive the full track upon your purchase
  1. 1.
Instrument: Voice
Composed by: Frank Andersen
Key: F Major
Lyrics start: "I will be Yah-weh who walks with you!...."

“Strong and Constant” is a song by Australian Roman Catholic composer and folk musician Frank Andersen.

You can find the sheet music by clicking here. 

Performance Length: 2’10”.

This version has a 4 bar introduction followed by verse 1, refrain, verse 2, refrain, verse 3 and refrain.

Purchase includes: Mp3 Audio Track

  • Accompaniment


Product Description

“Strong and Constant” is a song by Australian Roman Catholic composer and folk musician Frank Andersen.

You can find the sheet music by clicking here. 

Performance Length: 2’10”.

This version has a 4 bar introduction followed by verse 1, refrain, verse 2, refrain, verse 3 and refrain.

Purchase includes: Mp3 Audio Track

  • Accompaniment