Sansa Kroma

Sansa Kroma
You will receive the full track upon your purchase
  1. 1.
Instrument: 2-Part Voices
Words and Music: Traditional African Folk Song
Key: D Major
Arranged by: Michael Scott
Metronome: C=112bpm
Lyrics start: "Sansa wu_o 'kyer nkoko mba......"

“Sansa Kroma” is an African folk song from Ghana. This has been arranged for 2-Part voices with piano by Michael Scott.

You can find the sheet music by clicking here. 

Purchase includes:

  • Accompaniment


Product Description

“Sansa Kroma” is an African folk song from Ghana. This has been arranged for 2-Part voices with piano by Michael Scott.

You can find the sheet music by clicking here. 

Purchase includes:

  • Accompaniment